The Anti-Resolutions 2017



How have you all been? It’s been a while… You know, I only had one resolution for 2017 and that was to start posting regularly every week this year. Needless to say the whole ‘New Year, New Me’ thing hasn’t been working out too well.

But then, it is that time of the year again –  the last week in January when everyone’s given up on their unrealistic goals and are slowly reverting back to their original, lazy, unmotivated selves. Naturally, being the artistic person that I am – I drew inspiration from my surroundings and decided to combine all these sentiments of disappointment and regret into what I am calling the ‘Anti-Resolutions’. (Now admittedly, I haven’t exactly figured out what the exact definition of an ‘Anti-Resolution’ is, but it’s a working title.) Anyways, it’s just a bit of fun as always 😉 , so enough with my rambling and without further ado, here are The Anti-Resolutions 2017…

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I feel like the New Year hasn’t even officially begun until everyone you know has started some weird diet that involves fasting for 12 hours a day and drinking pureed salad. And quite frankly, I find the whole thing very upsetting. See, a diet just entails  removing something beautiful (ie. food) away from one’s life – why would any one want to start off their year with that kind of negativity? I think you should do just the opposite. Going to the gym? Bring some chocolate cake to work out those jaw muscles. (Alternatively, skip the gym altogether because why be fit, when you can be filled with regret instead.) Going to get a coffee? Bring another cup of coffee along with you to drink while you’re waiting for the coffee you ordered. Thinking about giving up on sugar? Well, how would you feel if sugar gave up on you?


What better way to ring in the new year than changing up your style, right? Wrong. You’re already broke after treating yourself over the holidays and then society tries to tempt you to buy more stuff with “January sales”? Don’t just go giving into consumerism. In fact, stand up for your rights. Don’t buy anything ever again. Find a nice bin bag, cut a few arm holes in it and then wear it for the rest of your life. It’s unique, water proof and black works for every occasion. Problem solved.


You guys know I love to travel, so I would definitely encourage everyone else to do some travelling this year. When it comes to travel, there are only two things to consider. 1) How are you going to pay for it? 2) What are you going to wear? The first question can be easily resolved by either winning the lottery or marrying rich, and the second can be answered if you follow the steps outlined in my last point. You’re welcome.

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I know what you’re thinking. The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to start all those projects you’ve been dreaming about. Write a novel, start a blog, learn how to dance the flamenco… But the thing is, that’s what everyone is going to be aiming to do this year. You really want to be creative? Embrace your laziness. Motivate yourself to stay in bed just one hour longer. Actively ignore any responsibilities or opportunities that come your way. Make an inspiration board with pictures of all the things you want to achieve, instead of actually achieving them. Trust me, it offers a totally new perspective on life. I’ve tried it.


Finally, are you tired of the same old routine, day in, day out? Do you wince when your alarm goes off in the morning? Have your weeks begun to blur into one? Fear not! You can fix this – just be incredibly impulsive and disregard any of the consequences it may have on your future! That’s right, quit your job, pack up your stuff, move to Peru and become a llama whisperer. Life will never be boring again!

. . .

Well, that’s all I have for you guys today! Let me know what your resolutions/ anti resolutions are in the comments below :). All jokes aside, I do hope you all have an amazing 2017 and achieve all your goals this year!


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How To Stay Organised

So, I’m naturally quite a disorganised person. I’m forgetful, I procrastinate constantly , I’m always late and my desk is a huge mess.  I’m the type of person who does my homework on bus. I’m that annoying classmate who always has to borrow a geometry set before maths exams. I’m that one friend who says I’ll get back to you later, but never will.

The worst part is that I’m in denial of how unorganised I am, so I’m always trying to convince myself that it’s a good idea to stupid things like plan events, get involved in projects, start a blog… 😉

Just last month, I thought it would be brilliant idea to plan a surprise birthday party for my friend. First of all, you should know that I only remembered it was her birthday a week beforehand. Then, I had to go through the agony of organising a venue (a task which I ended up entrusting to my mother – making a reservation is just too much responsibility for me). Finally I had to sort out the guest lists – and can I just say that getting people to confirm whether they are free or not is a nightmare (not to mention that my social skills are as poor as my organisation skills).

Anyway, in the end everything did work out all right, but I think it’s fairly obvious that organisation is not one of my greatest talents. However, I have managed to prevent my life from turning into complete chaos with a few helpful tricks I’ve picked up over the years. Hopefully, you’ll find them useful to!

  • To-do Lists

At the risk of sounding cliche, I would honestly get nothing done if it weren’t for To-Do Lists. As simple as it sounds, just having all my tasks for the day laid out in front of me makes me way more productive!

  • Set reminders

OK, so you know when someone gives you a piece of important information that you absolutely can’t forget and instead of writing it down, you convince yourself that you have the best memory in the world? But, two weeks later, lo and behold you’ve missed your doctor’s appointment, job interview and best friend’s birthday party.

Seriously, the amount of times I’ve written a little ‘X’ on my hand and told myself I’ll remember to do something is unbelievable. To avoid this situation, set reminders on your phone for the day before your event, so you’re sure to remember!

  • Timetable Tip

If you’re like me and can never remember your timetable, just take a picture of it and set it as the lock screen wallpaper on your phone. It may not be that stylish, but it’s a total life saver!

  • Sticky Notes

If there’s something you really want to remember, jot it down on a sticky note and stick it up somewhere you won’t miss it like your mirror or computer. Sounds simple, but it works!

  • Invest in a pinboard

If you have tons of paper all over your desk just get a bulletin board and pin up all the loose sheets. This way you can keep your desk tidy and actually read what’s written on each sheet of paper when you’re bored!.

Well, those are all my tips for today. Do you have any organisation life hacks? If so, leave them in the comments below – I’d love to know!

Also, I’m so sorry, I know I haven’t uploaded in ages , but I’m actually on holidays in France at the moment and haven’t had my laptop with me! Of course, an organised person would have prepared posts beforehand… ;). Anyways, don’t worry – next week I’ll be back to posting regularly.

Have a great week!


Tips for Last-Minute Studying

My exams are this week and since I’ve basically spent the last few days memorizing huge amounts of utterly useless information, I felt it was appropriate to share a few tips that I find useful when studying before a big test.

Tip # 1 :Time Yourself


This is a really basic tip, but I find it really helpful! All you have to do is set a realistic time limit for studying each subject. Then, set a timer for the appropriate amount of time and start working. Trust me, just seeing the time tick away next to you will encourage you to work faster and stop you from getting distracted.

Tip # 2 : Your own Soundtrack


OK, this tip sounds a little ridiculous but I promise it works! Basically, if you want to study/do something really quickly, find a ‘War Music’ playlist and listen to it while doing the task. You’ll feel like you’re in an action movie and subconsciously work twice as fast!

Tip #3: Three point rule


Whenever I have a lot of information to learn by heart, I like to divide it into headings, and write a maximum of 3 bullet points per heading. This makes the information much clearer and easier to memorize.

Tip #4: Typed Notes


Even though most of my friends like to write notes and flashcards by hand, I think its so much handier to type them out on the computer.You can print them out, save them for studying at a later date, share them with your friends online and easily modify them if necessary. This tip is especially good if, like me, you have terrible handwriting and want to keep your notes neat and tidy.

Tip #5: Study with a Friend


If I need to learn a list of dates for History or a bunch of Spanish vocab, I always try to get a friend to test me. This way they can correct me if I make a mistake and explain anything I don’t understand. Plus, let’s face it, working with a friend is much more entertaining than studying by alone!

Well, those are all my tips and tricks for last minute studying. I hope you find them helpful and do well in all your exams!

Speaking of which, I’m pretty sure have a Spanish exam tomorrow… better go study :/