Book Review: ‘Beautiful’ by Naomi Katz


So today’s post is going to be a little different. As you can tell from the title, it’s my first ever book review!

A few weeks ago, I was sent a copy of Beautiful‘ by Naomi Katz to review on Artsy Teen. You guys know how important my blog is to me and so I’m very particular about what I post and promote on it. But, when I read ‘Beautiful‘ I knew I wanted to have a part in spreading it’s positive message.  I’ve always considered myself to be a relatively confident person. Granted, maybe not ‘super-outgoing-and-strikes-up-a-conversation-with-a-random-stranger’ confident, but I’ve always been pretty confident in who I am and my ability to achieve my goals, which I think is something everyone should feel. And that’s exactly what ‘Beautiful‘ is all about, promoting female empowerment .

I think what I liked most about the book is that it really felt like Naomi Katz was sitting right next to me and telling me her story. It wasn’t like reading a fictional novel or fact-packed textbook, but more like a friend telling me about her life. She starts off the book with a brief introduction titled ‘Why I Wrote This Book and Why You Might Want To Read It’, where she talks about her experiences as a middle school teacher in New York that inspired her to speak up about the problems that were affecting teen girls.

In the ten chapters that follow, the author explores the everyday struggles young women have to face in today’s society, from peer pressure at school to the negative influences of the media. Naomi Katz offers her own advice and insight on how to deal with issues like the objectification of women, difficult relationships with friends and family, body image, mental illness and more. Some topics I could relate to, others had never effected me, and I’d imagine that everyone who reads the book identifies with each chapter differently.

Together with short narratives from real teenage girls, Naomi Katz tells an honest story of the confusing and challenging lives of young women. I mean, how many girls do you know that refuse to go out in public without covering there face in make up? I know a few. When did expensive face painting even become socially acceptable? In a world where ‘beauty’ is too often defined by Photoshop, ‘Beautiful‘ aims to inspire women and girls to have confidence in who they are.

If you want to buy your own copy of ‘Beautiful’ click here and make sure to check out Naomi Katz’s website www.beautifulproject.netAnd don’t forget to like and share this post and comment down below if you want to see more book reviews!


DIY Lemon Face Scrub for Glowing, Clear Skin


Have you guys tried the latest ‘Sodium sulfacetamide acne cleanser with extracts of zinc and false advertising’? or maybe the ‘97% non-toxic facial wash gel tried and tested by the tooth fairy’? OK, maybe I’m exaggerating…but just barely. It seems like cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies are constantly coming out with new types of soap and giving them increasingly elaborate and ridiculous names. Am I right or am I right? And it would be one thing if these seriously expensive chemical concoctions actually worked, but honestly I’m pretty convinced that the majority of them aren’t that great.

Luckily, I discovered this all natural DIY face scrub a few weeks ago and haven’t stopped using it since. It uses healthy, natural ingredients that you probably already have in your kitchen and leaves your skin feeling  smooth and refreshed!

You guys should definitely try it and let me know what you think in the comments below. Also, don’t forget to ‘Like‘ this post if you thought it was kinda helpful or interesting or you just feel like being nice :).

Now without further ado, here’s the DIY…

What you need

face scrub ingredients

1/2 cup granulated sugar

1 tbsp olive oil

1 tbsp honey

1 tsp lemon juice

  1. Mix sugar, oil, honey and lemon juice together (if you think your scrub is too thick, just add some more oil).
  2. Wash your face with warm water.
  3. Apply the scrub to your face and gently rub in a circular motion.
  4. Leave it on for 5 minutes.
  5. Rinse your face with cool water.
  6. Feel energised and rejuvinated and all that crap ;).


DIY Spring Makeup Bag


It’s been a while since I’ve posted a sewing tutorial and this little project is perfect for springtime! Seeing as I’m extremely lazy and my bursts of artistic motivation only last a couple of hours, I made sure this DIY could be finished in an afternoon. You’ll notice that I’ve included more photos than usual, partly because I feel that having a visual guide is a huge help in sewing tutorials, and partly because I got a little carried away with my camera. Let me know what you guys think and have a great week!signature



           What you need:

  • 11 x 8 inch piece of felt
  • 12 x 9 light fabric of your choice
  • 8 inch zipper
  • pins
  • scissors
  • sewing machine/ needle and thread

Note: These are the dimensions I used for my bag, but feel free to adjust them depending on how big/small you want your bag to be!

makeup bag 5


  1. Cut fabric and felt to size. Then, place the felt on top of the inside of your fabric, like in the photo below.

bag 14

2. Fold the overlapping fabric over the edges of the felt to create neat seams. Pin them in place.

bag 1bag 2

3. Using a sewing machine, or needle and thread, stitch the seams.

bag 3

bag 4

bag 6 bag 5

4. Next, use pins to attach your zipper to the fabric like I’ve done in the photos below. You can see that my zipper was slightly too big for the fabric, but don’t worry – you can just trim that off. Once your happy with the zipper’s positioning,  sew it on.

bag 9 bag 10

bag 12

6. Fold over your fabric so that your makeup bag is inside out. Make sure that both sides are aligned and stitch them together.

bag 13

6. Flip inside-out…

bag 14

bag 16

bag 17

bag 18


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Spooky Nail Art


You know when you see those photos on the internet of extremely detailed nail art and you think ‘Which person actually has time to do this?’. Yeah, I’m that person (perks of having no social life, am I right?).

Since I’m also a Halloween fanatic, I decided to try out a  few spooky designs and they turned out really well!

PS. Apologies for my ugly nails in the photo. You’d think for someone who spends loads of time painting my nails, I’d actually have nice ones. Anyway, I don’t plan on becoming a hand model, I just wanted to give you guys an idea of what the designs look like!

halloween_nails 2 

1.Dripping Blood

If you’re the type of person who doesn’t like spending ages on their nails, but still wants their manicure to have a Halloween-y vibe, then this fun design is perfect.

halloween_nails 1

2. Funky Frankenstein 

If you have a little more time on you’re hands, you can try out these little Frankenstein faces.

halloween_nails 4

3. Scary Fangs

When I first saw a tutorial for these mouth-full-of-fangs designs, I was a bit skeptical. But they actually turned out to be pretty awesome, and a little creepy…

Halloween_nails 3 

4. Jack-O-Nails

Nothing says ‘Halloween’ more than pumpkins! For a really cool effect, give each little Jack-O-Lantern nail a different face.